15 Dec An active year comes to an end for the EWS
The EWS Committee will build on the positive results from 2023 to continue its effort in promoting and improving gender equality and diversity in grassroot sport in Europe in 2024....
The EWS Committee will build on the positive results from 2023 to continue its effort in promoting and improving gender equality and diversity in grassroot sport in Europe in 2024....
On November 28th, 2023, the EWS committee organised an online seminar to present and discuss the results of its latest research on the participation and experiences of women in sport across Europe....
As part of ENGSO Equality in sport action plan, the Equality Within Sport (EWS) Committee has commissioned research on the state of equality within the European sport sector with a focus on women in sport....
On 13 November 2023, ENGSO EWS Committee organised a European coordination meeting on gender equality in sport in Madrid, Spain. During the seminar participants will have the chance to discuss with the speakers: ...
During the next EWS online seminar, participants will hear more about the striking numbers from a study commissioned by ENGSO on the participation and experiences of women in sport. The study was designed with a specific attention on intersectionality (age, gender identity and expression, disabilities,...
The EWS Committee members met during the European Sport Platform (ESP) 2023 to discuss their upcoming activities....
In Lisbon, Portugal, the EQUIP partners welcomed an enthusiastic audience for their last project activity. ...
Download the recommendations to make sports safer and more inclusive in Croatian, Dutch, English, French, Finnish, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish...
Since May 2023, Erik van Haaren is ENGSO Youth Committee member, representing ENGSO member Dutch Olympic Committee and Dutch Sports federation (NOC*NSF). He is a sports psychologist that also works with NOC*NSF at the Center for Safe Sports The Netherlands....
As the official partner of the European Sport Congress (EUSC), ENGSO had the opportunity to participate in this international event that gathered stakeholders from all over Europe to showcase the best of what is being done in sport research, development, and innovation....