Women’s participation in sport across europe: EWS research 2023

As part of ENGSO Equality in sport action plan, the Equality Within Sport (EWS) Committee has commissioned research on the state of equality within the European sport sector with a focus on women in sport.

This report has a greater aim to make sport a safer environment for women in Europe. The results are presented from an intersectional(1) perspective, specifically taking into account six socio-demographic aspects: age, gender identity, sexual orientation, migrant background, socio-economic and disability status. The data collected enable ENGSO and its partners to look more deeply into the lived experiences of women who are marginalised by multiple structures of oppression.

The EWS Committee of ENGSO conducted this study during June, July and August 2023 by circulating a questionnaire in six languages and attending major sport events (European Youth & Sport Platform, EuroGames, Discover Football International Symposium and IBSA World Games). The study gathered responses from anyone who self-defined as a woman(2), was aged 18 years and above, and who lived in a Council of Europe member state.



Close to 500 participants helped to provide insight into women’s perceptions and experience of sport and activity. The results will serve as a basis for further education, awareness raising and change campaigns in European grassroots sport to promote and achieve fairness, equality and inclusion in the sports’ environment.


  1. Intersectionality: first coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw, is known as a powerful theoretical framework for examining how diverse patterns of identity-based inequality, such as sexism, racism, ableism, and nationalism are mutually constituted (Crenshaw, 1989).

  2. Women: for the purposes of this report, all participants are women, regardless of whether they identify totally or partially as women.
Orange The World 2

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact any member of the EWS committee or the ENGSO Project and Equality Officer: [email protected]

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