The inaugural European Youth & Sport Platform was held in Sweden
From 1-4 June 2023, young leaders from all over Europe gathered in Stockholm, Sweden, for the inaugural edition of the European Youth & Sport Platform 2023.
ENGSO President Stefan Bergh and ENGSO Youth Chair Ugne Chmeliauskaite welcomed the participants at the opening, and at the conclusion part of the event.
The event was organised by ENGSO Youth in cooperation with ENGSO and ENGSO member organisation The Swedish Sports Confederation, under the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. We would especially like to thank Swedish Sports Confederation for a warm welcome in their home base in Sweden.
The guest speakers at event included Violeta Birzniece (European Commission), Sylvia Ivanova (European Youth Foundation), Stefan Bergh (ENGSO), Ugne Chmeliauskaite (ENGSO Youth) and Mark McNulty (European Youth Forum) who introduced the work of the institutions in the field of youth and the opportunities for young people those organisations provide. Tomasz Frankowski, Member of the European Parliament, and Sophie Kwasny, Head of the Council of Europe Sport Division and EPAS Executive Secretary welcomed the participants through a video address.
With a mission to develop and advocate for youth and sport in Europe and under the theme of Youth Legacy in and within Sport, and in line with the Swedish EU Presidency’s priorities, good governance, sustainability and digitalisation were the key discussion points of the event.
The European Youth & Sport Platform 2023 initiated a dialogue between the European youth and the representatives from the European Commission, European Youth Foundation, European Youth Forum, European eSports Federation, European Hockey Federation, IOC Young Leaders programme, Youth Health Organisation, Ministry of Social Affairs Sweden and Swedish Sports Confederation.
Through the panel sessions and engaging workshops, young participants also had the opportunity to shape the future of the European youth and sport agenda, while also joining forces to produce and develop a conclusion paper with recommendations that will be now delivered to policy- and decision-makers.
The longer report of the event can be found on ENGSO Youth website.