Join our work to measure policy impact on sport in Europe
ENGSO presents its new data collection for gender equality and diversity in sport "Sport and Equality".
In recent years, several policy documents have been published by the European Commission on the matters of equality and diversity. We believe it is time to monitor the impact that those policies are producing at the national level within the organised sport movement.
The investigation is a joint effort with the Sport Unit of the European Commission, with the EPAS of the Council of Europe, and with the Global Observatory on Gender Equality. For this reason, the questionnaire has been jointly agreed upon and also built to complement the work of the questionnaire launched by the joint European Union – Council of Europe project ‘All In Plus: promoting greater gender equality in sport’.
The target group of this survey is the organised sport movement:
Member State authorities responsible for sport (national, regional or local),
International and National sport organisations,
Grassroots sport entities.
In line with the policies to be investigated, the study explores seven dimensions: participation, coaching and officiating, leadership, social and economic aspects of sport, media coverage, gender-based violence, and LGBTIQ strategy.
The benefit of this short exercise (between 13 and 20 questions max) for all the sport movement will be to understand what has been already done and on which area to focus the energies in the next years, what are the challenges and barriers to be able to provide better answers/support (in term of programs/policy/capacity building etc) from the European Institution to the sport movement.
For this reason, we kindly ask you all to fill out this questionnaire and also to share it with your members, partners, and the institutions/authorities in your countries dealing with sport in order to get the most accurate pictures of the status of gender equality and diversity in sport in Europe at the moment.