Sport For Europe Message 3


A campaign by ENGSO to highlight the role of sport for the benefit of the European society. 

Dear Members of the European Parliament,

join us in emphasising the pivotal role of sport for Europe.

ENGSO, along with its member organisations, and Europeans from all walks of life, call on you - MEPs, to further strengthen the European dimension of sport for the benefit of people, economy, democracy and unity.

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Economics of sport

European Parliament should utilise sport as a cost-effective tool to achieve health-related objectives, but also interrelated goals such as mainstreaming sport into other policy areas.


Sport has the pivotal role in our labour market and its substantial contribution to the GDP.


Europeans who exercise regularly:
Europeans who never exercise:

EuroBarometer (2022)

Policies to increase physical activity levels would have a positive impact on health care expenditure, saving EU Member States nearly EUR PPP 8 billion per year, or 0.6% of their total health care budget on average.

OECD, The burden of insufficient physical activity (2023)

People from lower socio-economic groups are less likely to exercise regularly

Only 24% of people who consider themselves working class exercises regularly.

OECD, The burden of insufficient physical activity (2023)


Inclusive sport policies

Sport has a profound effect in breaking down barriers and empowering individuals with disabilities. We call upon MEPs to prioritise the advancement of inclusive sport policies in the newly elected European Parliament.


Let’s work together to create a Europe where every person can engage fully in the joy and benefits of sports.

Disability remains a key barrier to participation in sport.

EuroBarometer (2022)

Sport for education & employability of youth

Sport goes beyond the field; it’s a critical investment in the vitality and success of future generations.


Sport can enhance competences and skills that are necessary for successfully dealing with the complex realities of life.


Young people with improved soft skills and enhanced goal setting, problem solving, and positive-thinking abilities are more likely to achieve a smooth transition from the school environment to employment and benefit from a successful career.

In 24 out of 27 Member States, a sport club is the type of youth organisation young people are most likely to have participated in.

out of 27 Member States

Source: 2022 Flash Eurobarometer on Youth & Democracy

Speak up for Sport in Europe

Join our campaign and advocate for sport within the European Parliament. Click on the icons below to share the page or download one of the visuals (right click – save) and spread the message with your network. 


The campaign is ran by ENGSO, the European Organisation for Grassroots Sport. ENGSO is a not-for-profit organisation with public responsibilities. ENGSO acts as the umbrella organisation of National Olympic Committees and National Sports Confederations responsible for grassroots sport across 33 European countries.
ENGSO advocates and leads by example for empowered grassroots sport within EU sports policy and raises awareness on the societal role of sport, and fights for equal opportunities for all Europeans in sport.