Sport for Equality Role Models: Julia Kohl

Sport for equality role models in ENGSO's new campaign, led by the Equality Within Sport Committee. The aim of the initiative is to highlight the exceptional work our role models are doing in promoting and supporting equal and inclusive communities in sport, and to raise awarness on the daily challenges they are facing.

I grew up with the self-image that when it comes to sports, I can do whatever I want and whatever my body is capable of.

Julia Kohl

Photo: personal archieve

Julian Kohl comes from Austria, loves bikepacking and is an inspiring advocate for equality in sport. 


Julia: “I was born in 1992 in beautiful Upper Bavaria, grew up in the Inn Valley, studied in Regensburg and now live in Vienna. Sport has always been a central part of my life. I owe it to my parents: even as a small child, I experienced many outdoor adventures in nature, in the mountains and with active exercise. What shaped me is that they never called me “the weaker sex” or considered that I was less enduring, tough or strong than men. I grew up with the self-image that when it comes to sports, I can do whatever I want and whatever my body is capable of. I’ve always had a great thirst for adventure and travel, and I found bikepacking as the ideal combination of sport, adventure and going places. The question I am often asked by strangers is: “Aren’t you afraid to travel alone by bike? As a woman?” This question got me thinking and also made me sad that women have to be more careful, are less believed in and very often are perceived to be less enabled.”

For me, equality in sport means that as a woman, I am not discriminated against and held down, but that I am given the same opportunities, chances and support to practice my sport, to train regularly, to be respected and encouraged and to achieve my goals, as much as men.

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