LGBTQI+ participation and representation in sport: the good practices that make a difference
ENGSO has been a frontrunner in pushing for equality in and through sport for decades. With its current work on inclusion and the fight against discriminations in sport, ENGSO and its Equality Within Sport Committee (EWS) decided to focus on good practices.
There are so many positive initiatives in Europe that have made significant changes and brought tremendous impact on grassroots communities.
Part of the #StandUp4Equality, this collection of good practice focuses on the fight against LGBTQI+ discriminations. It has been conceived to bring useful inspiration for sport organizations and policy makers to continue working on equality in sport.
The good practices are extracted from a document put together by the partners of the EQUIP project (Equip for Equality in Practice), co-founded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. This “Index of top policies and practices” acknowledges that discriminations are often intertwined and makes this interconnectedness visible throughout its different chapters (gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, socio-economic status, racial and ethnic discrimination). The full “Index of topic policies and practices” is available on the webpage of the EQUIP project.
With its ‘Equality action plan for 2022’ and the active work of the Equality Within Sport (EWS) committee, ENGSO builds networks, organizes event and campaigns that promote equality. More information on the EWS Committee webpage.