Amanda Bennet reflected on the past and recent developments and improvements towards a safer and a more welcoming sport environment, and shared good examples from the Rugby Union: “Today we have rainbow laces, recruitment campaigns that seek board members from LGBTQI+ community, we celebrate athletes.”
She also explained the business case for inclusion, with a focus on the UK and its Equality Standard for Sport (2004) , and all the benefits inclusive leadership brings to the organisations.
Bruno Fidler presented the work of the Lotus Flowers Club from Bratislava, the only officially registered LGBTQI+ club in Slovakia. He specifically highlighted that policies on paper are not enough, “We need to promote it, encourage people, we need public statements, representations, anti-discrimination policies, role models, famous athletes that would open up…”
Laura May emphasised the importance of reporting the discrimination and shared a good practice of the Belgium football club which set up a reporting point for the players and members to report the abuse.
“The way we organise sport today is not inclusive. There is a difference between saying “you are welcome” and actually making people feel welcomed.”
The webinar was concluded with a presentation of the EQUIP project’s Index of top policies and practices for building a more inclusive sport environment and concrete suggestions to make sport more inclusive:
Promote inclusion;
Educate people;
Run campaigns and be proactive;
Positive actions and role models;
Full integration and leadership that understands inclusion;
Report it. If you experience or witness the abuse and harassment, report it;
Make sure there is a safe reporting system for safeguarding within your organisation;
Encourage people to open up;
Anti-discrimination policies brought to life.
Making sure the sport movement does not decide alone but builds bridges and keeps the dialogue open.
The next webinar on LGBTQI+ inclusion in sport will take place on 7 September 2022 and focus on on the inclusion of people with sex and gender variation in sport.