Join the final conference of the Youth Integrity Ambassadors Programme

Youth as ambassadors of sport integrity and drivers of change will be a key discussion point of the final conference organised within the framework of the Erasmus+ funded Youth Integrity Ambassadors Programme (YIAP programme) which will take place on 27 February 2024 in Malmö, Sweden, and will be hosted by the Swedish Sports Confederation.

During its kick off in April 2022, the Youth Integrity Ambassadors Programme (YIAP programme) welcomed 36 young leaders from all over Europe who enrolled in a two-year educational programme on sport integrity to improve their knowledge and gain new skills on management, digitalisation and European values. Empowered by the YIAP programme, those same youngsters organised local events within their communities and ran national campaigns on the topic of integrity.

The partnership included 9 partners from 7 countries: Swedish Sports Confederation (RF) – coordinator, ENGSO, EUSA Institute, RF-SISU Smaland, Special Olympics Euroasia Foundation, Portuguese Sports Confederation, Lithuanian Union of Sports Federations, OPES Italia and The European Lotteries.

The YIAP programme will officially conclude with the final conference on 27 February 2024, in Malmö, Sweden, hosted by the Swedish Sports Confederation.


*The final conference is free of charge and open to the public. Please note ENGSO or Swedish Sports Confederation do not cover the cost of travel or accommodation.

Date: 27 February 2024

Time: 14:00 – 17:30 CET

Location: Malmö, Sweden*

*Venue of the conference: Quality Hotel™ The Mill, Amiralsgatan 19 21155, Malmo, Sweden

Programme of the conference

14:00 Welcome speeches

Marie Denitton, The Swedish Sports Confederation (RF)

Stefan Bergh, ENGSO President

Alvise Angelini, The European Lotteries

14:20 Swedish National Agency: Youth participation in Europe

14:45 ENGSO Youth: Youth participation in sport Tiago and YIAP project results

15:10 RF Småland: Youth participation in sport, talking about what they did, what questions appeared during the local actions

15:30 Coffe break

15:50 Kristina Pekkola: Success factors for inclusion

16:35 Workshops by YIAP partners

17:25 Conclusion

18:00 Dinner for all participants of the conference

The conference will:

Showcase the final results: the toolkit, national campaigns and local activities organised by ambassadors, recommendations for youth participation, and more;


Present the work of the young ambassadors;


Call for action within the sport movement to increase youth participation and create empowering programs for the youth, using the topic of sport integrity as a mean to engage them as leaders;


Encourage partnership and cooperation to reach ambitious objectives of youth leadership in sport, coupled with key issues such as sport integrity.

Accomodation option:

Please note that ENGSO or the Swedish Sports Confederation do not cover the cost of travel and accommodation.


If you are looking for options, the event venue also offers accommodation.

Quality Hotel™ The Mill: more info here