One of the main modifications of the new programme concerns the budget. The new and revamped programme (2021-2027) has a budget of €26.2 billion. The total budget for partnerships in sport is lower compared to last year and is fixed at 41.7 Million € for 2021. It will reach the same level as in 2020 in the next year and continue to increase years after 2022.
The second novelty is the deadline for applications which is 20 May 2021. Read more info in the Call for proposals.
The Erasmus+ Programme Guide has been published and provides information on:
· the priorities of the programme,
· the actions supported,
· the funding available for different actions,
· detailed information on participation.
See the programme here.
The programme is divided into three key actions. The European sport projects and events are eligible under Key Action 2 “Cooperation among organisations and institutions”.
Basic facts and figures from the programme:
New tools for the application
The project proposals will be submitted via the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal of the European Commission.
Figures by type of activities
Small-scale partnerships offer a good start for newcomers to the Erasmus programme. For small partnerships in the field of sport, only two organisations from two different Programme Countries are needed, which allows for bilateral projects. The funding amounts are a lump sum of 30,000 or 60,000 EUR. The duration is between 6-24 months. It is recommended that at least one sports club participates in each small partnership. Bilateral partnerships provide easier access for sports clubs and associations.
Cooperation Partnerships require at least three organisations from three different Programme Countries. They are funded with a lump sum of 120,000 EUR, 250,000 EUR or 400,000 EUR. Their duration can be between 12 and 36 months. Compared to small partnerships, the expectations in terms of project results are correspondingly higher.
Concerning the “non-profit European sports events”, the Programme Guide identifies three different models of these events: Europe-wide events and European local events (two different versions). The funding amounts range from 200,000 to 450,000 EUR.
Useful links:
Press release:
Programme Guide:
Call for Proposals:
Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal: