ENGSO Executive Committee held its first meeting in 2023

The ENGSO Executive Committee came together in Oslo, Norway in the premises of the Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports on 10-11 February 2023.


High on the agenda were strategic topics that evoked engaged discussions on the future work of ENGSO but also current matters such as the ENGSO-led projects. 

Engso Executive Committee Met In Oslo

Attendees to the ENGSO ExCom meeting (from left to right): Magnus Sverdrup, Theo Neyenhuis, Filipa Godinho, Stefan Bergh, Sallie Barker, Anna-Maria Wiesner, Marie Denitton. With Berit Kjoell (5th from the left), President of the Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports.

The project manager Alessia De Iulis, Youth Integrity Ambassadors Programme joined the meeting online to present the projects and provide the ExCom with a deep dive into the work in practice.  Moreover, the meeting was an opportunity to update the terms of reference for the EU Advisory Committee and welcome a new expert to the Equality Within Sport Committee.

The ENGSO ExCom thanks its member Magnus Sverdrup and the Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports for hosting this fruitful meeting.

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