ENGSO at the 1st International Women in Sport Congress
“Do gender, sex, etc. matter in sport?” Before answering this question it is necessary to have clear and detailed information about the topic: what is sex, what is gender, what does transition mean, etc.
These are the questions that we tried to answer and define during the 1st International Women in Sport Congress, hosted by the ENGSO associated member Unió de Federacions Esportives de Catalunya.
The congress was held on 15-16 September 2022 in Barcelona, Spain. ENGSO Secretary General Sara Massini and ENGSO EWS Committee member Tarja Krum participated in the event.
ENGSO Secretary General, Sara Massini, was also one of the panel speakers in the 4th round table of the International Women in Sport Congress, entitled “Inspirational projects #PlayingNow by Catalan Federations”, where she highlighted the work implemented by ENGSO during the past years in the field of equality in sport and gender equality specifically.
She emphasised the impact of the project SCORE and the numerous Sport Federations that are still using the toolkit today and adapting the strategies to increase women coaches in sport. EQUIP project and Equality in sport action plan were also mentioned, underlining the importance on shifting the attention on creating concrete action plans that help sport clubs at grassroots level to transform laws and recommendations in concrete actions that ensure inclusion and equality in sport for all.
ENGSO is always first in line to #StandUp4Equality and push for equal opportunities in and through sport.
This first international congress had the objective to exchange practices, laws, methodologies and tools at international level to help sport federations reach equality in sport and offer women more opportunities to take active part in the sport movement and facilitate their access to all sport roles and positions.
It was a first attempt to open a dialogue at international level, provide inspiration and create allies to foster gender equality in sport.
The event was very successful and the organizers are planning to have a second edition on 2023.