ENGSO at EOC EU Funding Webinar: Erasmus+ Programme 2022
ENGSO Secretary General Sara Massini presented the features and the possibilities for funding within the Erasmus+ Sport Programme at the European Olympic Committees EU funding webinar which was held on Thursday, 13 January 2022.
The webinar, entitled “EU Funding Webinar: 2nd Erasmus+ Programme 2022”, was divided into two separate but complementary sessions:
part one – raising awareness on the Erasmus+ Programme, its structure, priorities and suitability of different project proposals,
and part two – promoting the understanding on the technical aspects of the application and submission procedure, as well as awarding criteria and reporting obligations for Erasmus+.
ENGSO Secretary General Sara Massini was one of the guests in the morning session of the webinar, entitled “Other possibilities within Erasmus+ 2022”. She was one of the speakers, invited to present the expertise and the impact of the Erasmus+ program in building the capacity and the strategical objectives of ENGSO.
Ms Massini underlined the importance of having a strategy and a clear objective before looking for funding and using all the programs of Erasmus+ to reach the strategic objectives and empower the organization and its members. She mentioned the success ENGSO had in using the project strategically especially when it comes to the topic of equality that is one of our main areas of interest and development. In fact, using the classical Erasmus+ sports program, ENGSO managed to build competencies in the field of gender equality with SCORE, of inclusion of refugees and migrants through sport with ASPIRE and SPIRIT and building on that is currently running EQUIP to tackle the topic of equality in a wider sense. On the other hand, ENGSO’s also benefited from the program Easmus+ in the field of youth applying to the Erasmus+ National Agency to realize smaller projects such as the youth exchange RISE, which was ideated and led by ENSGO Youth to follow up on the topic on the integration of refugees through sport. The work that ENGSO Youth did using the Erasmus+ program in the youth field didn’t stop them implementing smaller projects because at the moment they are still running the bigger project under the Capacity Building in the field of youth program, entitled Sport for Sustainable Development.
Ms Massini invited the participants of the webinar to follow this example and use athe other sub-action of Erasmus+ and not focus only on the sport segment: the crucial aspect is to understand an organization’s need and what Erasmus+ action could better serve that need. She closed by thanking the EOC EU office for the support and the great cooperation that always provide in the area of project application and announced that this year, with their support, ENGSO will also try to apply to the new action Capacity Building in the field of Sport.
The EOC webinar was very successful and offered quality information and useful feedback for the participants to initiate their path towards project designing in the field of Eramsus+. Alongside ENGSO Secretary General, several EOC members and ENGSO members joined the webinar and took the occasion to start connecting for new application deadline that will be on 23rd of March for Erasmus+ Sport and 7th of April for Capacity Building in the field of Sport.