ENGSO as guest speaker at the Ukrainian “Erasmus+ for youth and sport” webinar

With the aim to support the Ukrainian grassroots sport and other organisations working with youth and sport, ENGSO Secretary General Sara Massini participated in the webinar, entitled “Erasmus+ for youth and sport: how to write successful projects for capacity building”, as a guest speaker, during which she presented the opportunities, application process and the implementation of the ENGSO’s capacity building Sports as Value project. ​

The webinar was organised by the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Ukraine and National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, with a support of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC) and European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), on the 22 February 2024. More than 300 representatives of the Ukrainian youth and sport movement joined the event. 


ENGSO Secretary General Sara Massini explained how ENGSO approached the KA2 Capacity building in the field of sport call for proposal by inviting ENGSO members and partners from the Balkan region into the partnerships. She also presented the key steps for determining objectives, tasks working packages, expected result and budget planning.

Webinar Ukraine Youth And Sport

The main objective of the Sport as Values project is capacity building of organisations and sport professionals in Balkan grassroots sports movement. One of the main focuses is on the organisational development of sports clubs, organisations and federations within the grassroots sports movement in a structured, dynamic and systematic way. The second objective is about the personal development of sports professionals – coaches, managers, event organisers or club leaders – to learn about how to transfer values through sports activities and how to organise sustainable events with cross-border cooperation and cultural inclusivity.   We hope to create sustainable, long-lasting partnerships in the Balkan region, with skilled and knowledgeable organisers who will successfully promote the positive impact of grassroots sports and the values in sports which will result in stronger, more peaceful and more connected societies. Learn more about the partnerships here.