ENGSO appoints new members of the EWS Committee for mandate of 2024-2025

On 13 May 2024, ENGSO Executive Committee (ExCom) appointed new ENGSO EWS (Equality Within Sport) Committee members for the mandate of 2024-2025. Under the leadership of Tarja Krum, the new Chair of EWS, the newly appointed members of the EWS Committee will continue the work on equality and oversee the implementation of Sport and Equality action plan. 

To ensure a strong commitment to reaching the objectives of equality in and through sport, ENGSO establish the Equality Within Sport (EWS) Committee – hub of expertise on equality, with the mission to activate and inspire European sport organisations to act on equality, through active advocacy work, education and awareness-raising, strengthening cooperation with ENGSO member organisations and other sport bodies.

The newly appointed members for the mandate of 2024-2025 are: 


  • CHAIR: Tarja Krum, Finnish Olympic Committee
  • Sarah Townsend, European Gay and Lesbian Sport Federation
  • Andreas Katsaros, Hellenic Paralympic Committee
  • Rejhan Halili, Kosovo Olympic Committee
  • Ivana Samija, Croatian Olympic Committee
  • Alessia de Iulis, ENGSO Youth


The ENGSO Equality Within Sport Committee (EWS) operates at a strategic level, advising the ENGSO Executive Committee on equality matters to ensure a coordinated and smooth working procedure in the equality area. The Committee represents the interests of the members when it comes to the area of equality in a broad sense, and works to support and further develop equality in sports participation.


EWS also advocates that everyone can (should!) practise sport safely and freely by promoting opportunities in all levels and sectors of sport. Only by reaching equality, we can use the full potential in sport.


In 2024, EWS will support the implementation of the Sport and Equality action plan.  After the European Summit on Gender Equality and Diversity in Sport which was held in Brussels, on 18 April 2024, and was organised by the ENGSO member Opes International within the framework of the project Sport and Equality co-founded by the European Commission, the priority will now be the new survey and research on the the impact of the “High Level Group on Gender Equality on Sport” publication and the European Commission’s LGBTQI+ Equality Strategy 2020-2025. The activity is implemented with joint efforts from the Sport Unit of the European Commission, Council of Europe EPAS and Global Observatory for Gender Equality and Sport. The survey will also be available online.  

Data collection for gender equality and diversity in sport: "Sport and Equality".

The investigation is a joint effort with the Sport Unit of the European Commission, with the EPAS of the Council of Europe, and with the Global Observatory on Gender Equality. For this reason, the questionnaire has been jointly agreed upon and also built to complement the work of the questionnaire launched by the joint European Union – Council of Europe project ‘All In Plus: promoting greater gender equality in sport’.


The target audience of this survey is the organized sport movement:

  • Member State authorities responsible for sport (national, regional or local),
  • International and National sport organisations,
  • Grassroot sport entities.

Learn more about the work of EWS Committee