Building a more inclusive sport movement: where to start?

Building on solid foundations


The list of existing policies on equality and sport across Europe is long: the Treaties of the European Union, the Recommendations of the Council of Europe and its revised European Sport Charter, national Constitutions or regional strategies. Under the leadership of the Centre Ethics in Sport (ICES), the most relevant were gathered and organised by the partners of the EQUIP project in an “Index of top policies and practices”.


Finding inspirations


The initiatives and learning experiences happening in one side of Europe can be helpful for the stakeholders kilometers away: the European community can already rely on a large variety of good practices in grassroots sport! This document provides a non-exclusive catalog with various types of resources that can influence the sporting environment in different ways; from the recruitment of staff or participants to the organisation of the board or the delivery of coaching.


Relying on expertise


This Index has been created and populated by the partners of the project and external experts: individuals and organisations who have recognised expertise in the challenges and solutions for achieving equality in sport, and in society in general.


Acknowledging the interconnections between topics


The issues that need to be tackled are numerous and extensive, however, five specific equality themes structure this Index and the EQUIP project in general: gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, socio-economic status, racial and ethic discrimination. This subjective division encompasses topics that are often intertwined. This document tries to recognise and make this interconnectedness visible throughout its different chapters.


As stated in its subtitle “Foundation and inspiration for building a more inclusive sport movement”, this Index has been conceived to bring useful inspiration for sport organisations and policy makers to continue working on equality in sport. It will be a precious resource for building concrete-action plans with clubs and federations to tackle inequalities at the local level.


This project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Commission, and made possible thanks to the valuable support of the European Lotteries.


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