Back to CHANGE management and readiness

After a good summer break, CHANGE partners went back to work more active than ever. A new webinar and a new phase of the research are the next steps. Soon, a new phase of workshops will also complete the data collection and will set the basis of the online tool aimed at supporting CHANGE management in the sport field.

Summer ended and CHANGE project is ready to move on with phase 2 of the research, which will allow partners to explore needs and solutions to support sport organisations, federations and clubs in being innovative, sustainable and inclusive in their management.


Is there CHANGE readiness in the sport field? This is another question that the research, lead by Malmö University and EASM will contribute to answer to. A survey will be soon spread to collect as many feedback as possible from the grassroots sports entities, and not only! CHANGE experts in digitalisation, sustainability and inclusion will also support the process by conducting interviews.


Read here the phase 1 of the research. Summaries are also available in all the languages of the project: English, Spanish, Italian, German, Swedish, Danish and Latvian.

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As the project moves on, new moment of reflection and discussion are promoted by the partners and the experts. Next in the agenda in a new online seminar on CHANGE readiness, that will be held on November 14th, at 15.00h CET.


Main speaker in the event is Antonio Vizcaya Abdo, lecturer on sustainability at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.

Interested in deepening the knowledge in CHANGE management in sport, with a special focus on sustainability, digitalisation or inclusion?


You can see all the previous online seminars here (in the CHANGE education section) or listen to CHANGE podcast here.