ENGSO Committees

The ENGSO  Committees provide the work of ENGSO with targeted expertise and is a way for the member organisations to actively engage with the work that is done.

When it comes to the functioning of ENGSO, the bodies that play a role in the running of the organisation are the General Assembly, Executive Committee, and the different working groups. Get to know the structure of our organisation and meet the members who stand behind all the achievements of ENGSO.

Equality Within Sport (EWS) Committee

The EWS is inspiring, educating and advocating for equality in it’s transversal understanding. Only by reaching equality will it be possible to unlock the full potential of participation in sport. The fundamental belief of EWS is, that sport is a human right and that everyone should be able to participate regardless of gender, religion, sexual orientation, physical ability, ethnicity, race, age or socio-economic status. Celebrating diversity is at the heart of the EWS’ activities. 


Through advocacy work, educational material and webinars as well as awareness raising campaigns, the EWS is pursuing its aim to activate European sport organisations to foster equal, safe and free participation actively. 


Sport wins with Equality.

Tarja Krum

Tarja Krum

Finlands Svenska Idrott
Sarah Townsend

Sarah Townsend

European Gay and Lesbian Sport Federation
Alessia de Iulis

Alessia de Iulis

Rejhan Halili

Rejhan Halili

Kosovo Olympic Committee
Ivana Samija

Ivana Samija

Croatian Olympic Committee
Andreas Katsaros

Andreas Katsaros

Hellenic Paralympic Committee
Vilja Prinkey

Vilja Prinkey

Finnish Society of Sports Sciences, Co-opted member
Liam Strasser

Liam Strasser

100% SPORT – Austrian Center of Excellence for Gender Equality and Safe Sport, Co-opted member

EU Advisory Committee

Working on a strategic level, the EU Advisory Committee advises the ENGSO Executive Committee on EU and policy matters. With the involvement of ENGSO members, their expertise and their experience, the EU Advisory Committee contributes to the drafting of position papers as well as proposals on legislations and regulations of current interest. 

The EU Advisory Committee does not only consist of ENGSO members, they also feed back back to them, either by organising topical webinars or the EU Seminar to build capacity within ENGSO member organisations. 


Current fields of activity include the safeguarding of the European Sport Model, the accessibility and sustainability of sport, and crisis resilience with regard to the Covid-29 pandemic and the energy crisis.


Theo Neyenhuis

Theo Neyenhuis

Dutch Olympic Committee*Dutch Sports Federation
Linda Rombola

Linda Rombola

OPES Italia
Petra Gantnerova

Petra Gantnerova

Slovak Olympic and Sports Committee
Kaisa Larjomaa

Kaisa Larjomaa

Finnish Olympic Committee
Rejhan Halili

Rejhan Halili

Kosovo Olympic Committee
Tiago Guilherme

Tiago Guilherme



ENGSO Youth actively works on current youth sport issues, i.e. equal opportunities, fair play, fight against discrimination and doping, healthy lifestyle, social inclusion, sustainable development, volunteering, youth employment. The workflow is going in two directions which are addressing youth in sport but also promoting sport for youth. 


ENGSO youth involves a growing number of young Europeans and organisations to develop the youth’s capacities in more European regions, foster cross-sector cooperation, and develop projects with long-lasting, multiplying and self-perpetuating effects on current youth sport issues to leave a lasting legacy.

Ugne Chmeliauskaite

Ugne Chmeliauskaite

Lithuanian Sport Federations Union
Erik van Haaren

Erik van Haaren

Netherlands Olympic Committee and Sports Federation
Alessia de Iulis

Alessia de Iulis

OPES Italia
Valentin Doupona

Valentin Doupona

Sport Austria
Isaiah Kioiloglou

Isaiah Kioiloglou

Hellenic Paralympic Committee
Mirjana Ivkovic

Mirjana Ivkovic

Olympic Committee of Serbia
Marija Leskovec

Marija Leskovec

Croatian Olympic Committee
Luca Frederic Wernert

Luca Frederic Wernert

German Sports Youth
Saga Yli-Hannuksela

Saga Yli-Hannuksela

Finnish Olympic Committee