31st ENGSO General Assembly will be hosted by the Hellenic Paralympic Committee

The 31st edition of the ENGSO General Assembly and the ENGSO Youth Assembly will be held on the Greek island of Crete, in Hersonissos, on 12-14 May 2023, and hosted by the Hellenic Paralympic Committee.


ENGSO GA 2023 will be hosted by the Hellenic Paralympic Committee.

Hellenic Paralympic Committee Logo

On the same occasion as the assembly, the ENGSO EU Seminar and a Members seminar will be organised. 

The event will begin on Friday, 12 May 2023 and end with a farewell dinner on the Saturday’s evening, 13 May 2023. Earlier on Friday, an additional seminar about Inclusion, Equality and Disability in Sport, led by the team from the project EQUIP, will be held. 

ENGSO member seminar will start on Friday afternoon, followed by the EU seminar on Saturday morning. The highlight of the event – ENGSO General Assembly will take place on Saturday, 13 May 2023 at 13:30 EET time, and will be followed by the ENGSO Youth Assembly (15:30 EET). Both assemblies will include elections. 

The ENGSO General Assembly consists of appointed representatives from the current member organisations. As the supreme authority of ENGSO, it convenes once a year. In 2022, ENGSO members gathered in Torshavn, Faroe Islands, for the 30th edition of the ENGSO General Assembly which was hosted by the by the Faroese Confederation of Sports and Olympic Committee. 

If you have any questions regarding participation, please contact the ENGSO secretariat, [email protected].

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